Story Walkthrough and List of Chapters | FF7 Remake|Game8 (2025)

Story Walkthrough and List of Chapters | FF7 Remake|Game8 (1)

This is a complete guide to the story walkthrough for the game FF7 Remake. Whether you're stuck getting through the story, or you want to play without missing any important Items, these guides have it all for first-time and veteran players alike.

List of Contents

  • List of Chapters
  • Story Walkthrough (Overview)
  • Intergrade Story Walkthrough
  • Related Links

List of Chapters

Chapter 1 The Destruction of Mako Reactor 1
Chapter 2 Fateful Encounters
Chapter 3 Home Sweet Slum
Chapter 4 Mad Dash
Chapter 5 Dogged Pursuit
Chapter 6 Light the Way
Chapter 7 A Trap is Sprung
Chapter 8 Budding Bodyguard
Chapter 9 The Town That Never Sleeps
Chapter 10 Rough Waters
Chapter 11 Haunted
Chapter 12 Fight for Survival
Chapter 13 A Broken World
Chapter 14 In Search of Hope
Chapter 15 The Day Midgar Stood Still
Chapter 16 The Belly of the Beast
Chapter 17 Deliverance from Chaos
Chapter 18 Destiny's Crossroads
INTERmission Chapters
Chapter 1 Wutai's Finest
Chapter 2 Covert Ops

Story Walkthrough (Overview)

Chapter 1: The Destruction of Mako Reactor 1 Story Guide & Walkthrough

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1Enter the Reactor GroundsWith the gate unlocked, it is time to head for Mako Reactor 1 itself.
2Infiltrate the ReactorWith Cloud's help, the group avoids the security and successfully infiltrates the reactor.
2-1Follow BarretWith Cloud behind them, the members of Avalanche pass through the wire fence and push deeper into the facility.
3Breach SecurityWith the passcode acquired earlier, the group opens the door and proceeds further into the facility.
4Reach Mako StorageFighting through the security net, the group reaches the heart of the facility.
4-1Follow JessieThe group follows Jessie through the security system. They continue to press on.
5Set the ChargeA Scorpion Sentinel ambushes Cloud and Barret after the bomb is set. The defeated robot short-circuits and starts destroying the reactor.
6Escape from the ReactorCloud and Barret make it out of the reactor, but are not yet in the clear.
6-1Rendezvous with BarretSuccessfully reunited, Cloud and Barret work together to escape from the reactor facility.
7Sprint to SafetyAvalanche has successfully taken out the mako reactor. Now it is time for phase two of the plan–the getaway.

Chapter 2: Fateful Encounters Story Guide & Walkthrough

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1Use the Escape RouteThe group has followed the escape route to Sector 8. In order to board their train home discreetly, they must go their separate ways.
2Reach the Sector 8 StationJust before Cloud reaches the station, the expressway collapses and blocks his path. In the fires of the wreckage, he has a vision of an old nemesis.
3Follow HimCloud's mind is sent into a frenzy after catching up to this figure from his past. After the man disappears and Cloud's head stops aching, he makes for the station once again.
4Taking a DetourThe figure from Cloud's past appears before him and the flower peddler. Before he knows what's happening though, Cloud is spotted by Public Security forces.
5Evade PursuersCloud fights off Shinra reinforcements at the fountain plaza. Now he has to get past the security perimeter around the station and find an escape route.
6Flight through the CityCloud avoids the station and makes a detour through the residential area. However, Shinra security is posted all throughout Sector 8, making things difficult.
6-1Climb to the RoofFighting off the Shinra pursuit, Cloud flees to the roof of a nearby building.
7Break the BlockadeCloud is trapped by a succession of Public Security squads. In the nick of time, Cloud boards the last train out of Sector 8.
8Last TrainCivilian passengers are angry about the destruction caused by the reactor explosion. Uncertain and unsure about what they have done, the members of Avalanche ride the last train down to the Sector 7 slums.

Chapter 3: Home Sweet Slum

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1Return to BaseTifa, a childhood friend of Cloud, uses her connections to get him an apartment. After promising to help her with collections tomorrow, Cloud hits the sack.
2Noisy NeighborsAwoken in the middle of the night, Cloud goes to room 203, where he again has a vision of Sephiroth. He eventually returns to his room, still reeling from the hallucinations as he awaits the dawn.
3Life in the SlumsCloud has been contracted by Biggs to exterminate some monsters, so he goes with Tifa to Scrap Boulevard.
4A Job for the Neighborhood WatchCloud has cleared the monsters from Scrap Boulevard and is starting to make a name for himself in the slums.
5Problem SolvingThanks in part to Tifa, the local population is starting to recognize Cloud's name.
5-1A Job Well DoneJohnny is arrested on suspicion of stealing blasting powder. Tifa worries that his loose lips will lead security forces to Avalanche, and decides to rescue him. Cloud accompanies her in the endeavor.
6Shinra ReactsHaving rescued Johnny, Cloud and Tifa head back to Seventh Heaven. Before Cloud can collect his payment, Barret holds an impromptu strategy meeting with the other Avalanche members. Left all by himself, Cloud kills time at the bar.
6-1Talking StrategyAvalanche decides that their next mission will not include Cloud. After collecting his pay, Cloud leaves the bar, only to spot suspicious men stationed in front of it.
7Ominous ShadowsCloud has chased off the men who were looking for information about Barret. When Cloud returns to Stargazer Heights, he finds Jessie waiting for him with a new job request.
8The Jessie JobIt is not clear exactly what Jessie wants, but the pay is good, so Cloud decides to accept the job and head for the Sector 7 plate.
Alone at LastCloud gets Tifa to smile, leading even Marle to accept that he may be something special.

★This objective is labeled as a Discovery. It's unlocked after finishing all six of the Odd Jobs in this chapter.

Chapter 4: Mad Dash

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1Motor ChaseThe group shakes off both Public Security and a SOLDIER before reaching the depot. Dismounting from their bikes, they head into Sector 7.
2To Sector 7The four enter the employee housing district–where Jessie was born and raised–while the residents there settle in for the night.
3HomecomingThe group arrives at Jessie's house. Jessie tells Cloud to wait outside.
4The Jessie JobWith the ID badge Jessie asked for in hand, Cloud leaves the house while the Avalanche members make merry in the kitchen.
5Sector 7-6 Annex InfiltrationAn attack on the guard room has the three on alert, but does not deter them from sneaking into the 7-6 Annex. Once in, Jessie gives the signal and the diversionary operation begins.
6A Little DiversionAvalanche HQ operatives storm the scene, as they were coincidentally launching an assault of the 7-6 Annex at the same time. Amidst the chaos that ensues, Cloud and Biggs escape the annex.
7Rendezvous at the Empty LotThe group meets up at the empty lot. The mission is a success, and now it is time to head back to the Sector 7 slums.
8Return to the SlumsThanks to Jessie, the group finds parachutes for their escape and–after some initial trepidation–jumps off the edge of the plate.
9To Wedge's PlaceAfter seeing Wedge home, Cloud heads to Jessie's place to collect his reward.
10Remaining PaymentCloud receives his reward from Jessie. Confused by Jessie's earnest invitation, he leaves Jessie's place.
11Slum WisdomCloud is late, and Tifa is waiting for him when he returns to Stargazer Heights. They have a heart-to-heart and clear the air between them before turning in for the night.
12Sudden AttackJessie has been injured in the attack by unknown assailants, meaning Barret has no choice but to ask Cloud to participate in the next mission.
13A New OperationCloud, Tifa, and Barret all board the train and head for Mako Reactor 5, determined to make this second bombing mission a success.

Chapter 5: Dogged Pursuit

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1All Aboard for Sector 4Some time into the ride, an unscheduled ID scan sweeps the train.
2Separate WaysThe ID scan detects an anomaly and the passenger car they're in is sealed off. The team is forced to change their plan.
3Looking for a FriendHaving reunited after their dramatic leap from the train, the three regroup at a nearby rail map to discuss their next steps.
4Get Your BearingsBarret decides to switch to plan E. The team will follow the Mako Reactor 5 line through the corkscrew tunnel, guided by the signs another Avalanche cell left.
5Find StampFollowing the Stamp graffiti, the team arrives at the train yard. They must drive off security and find a way to get past the locked gate.
5-1The Nose KnowsThe team has found Avalanche's graffiti. Now they just have to follow Stamp's nose.
5-2Check the RouteAs there is a hidden passageway leading to the reactor from the train yard, the three set out to look for it.
5-3Train Yard SecurityThe security officers guarding the train yard have been defeated, but the gate to the train yard is locked.
6Secret PassagewayThe three dispatch the Crab Warden that was apparently station in the train yard. At last, they can take the secret passageway.
6-1Stairway DetourThe team climbs the stairs next to the train yard and finds another way in. Now they head for the secret passageway in the train yard.
11Slum WisdomAvoiding Shinra security, the team leaves the corkscrew tunnel behind. Following the route to Mako Reactor 5, they move into the plate's interior.
12Sudden AttackJessie has been injured in the attack by unknown assailants, meaning Barret has no choice but to ask Cloud to participate in the next mission.
13A New OperationCloud, Tifa, and Barret all board the train and head for Mako Reactor 5, determined to make this second bombing mission a success.

Chapter 6: Light the Way

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1Head for Section GThe facilities inside the plate are not operating properly due to a lack of power. The team kills the lights to secure the emergency power supply. This allows them to open the Section G gate and keep moving forward.
1-1Head to the Control RoomThe team confirms that there is not enough electricity, and so they set out to secure an emergency power supply.
1-2Secure a Power SourceThe team turns off the sun lamp, thus triggering the emergency power supply. The gate now has enough power to operate.
2Head for Section HThe team uses the pipe in front of the ventilation fans to reach Section H. There they find the cargo platform leading to Mako Reactor 5.
2-1The Way to Section HThe team finds a pipe on the wall that leads to Section H. They have found a way through.
3Power for the PlatformThe team kills the lights and returns to the cargo platform. Now it is time to rendezvous with Biggs.
3-1One Sun Lamp DownThe team has diverted power from one of the lights to the surrounding area. With this, the security system comes online.
3-2Console OnlineThe terminal to operate the platforms is working. Activate it and keep forging ahead.
3-3Two Sun Lamps DownThe team has diverted power from another sun lamp. The small platform now has power.
3-4Three Sun Lamps DownThe team has diverted power from three sun lamps. The cargo platform now has enough power to operate.
4To the Cargo PlatformUsing the cargo platform, the team makes it to the rendezvous with Biggs. They take the grappling guns they will need to escape the facility, then head for the Mako Reactor 5 interior.
Collapsed PassagewayThe team detours around the collapsed passageway and recovers the materia in Section H-07.

★This objective is labeled as a Discovery. It's unlocked after obtaining the Elemental Materia in the Sun Lamp 3 area.

Chapter 7: A Trap is Sprung

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1Reach Mako StorageSecurity is light as the group reaches mako storage. They plant the remote-controlled bomb on the reactor core and head for the exit.
1-1Down the PipeThe team slides down the pipe and finds themselves inside the armory.
2Escape from the ReactorHeidegger has sprung his trap, and the team's escape route has been cut off. Now they need to find a way to avoid being publicly executed.
3Sentenced to DeathDespite Cloud and the others' best efforts to stop it, the still-incomplete airbuster is deployed. The three decide to face their problem head-on, and make for the front gate.
3-1Monitor DataIt looks like the airbuster parts are still in transit. Divert the various components and weaken the machine.
3-2Status of the AirbusterThe party checks on the airbuster's status and works out a plan for the coming battle.
4Storm the GatesCloud is separated from the other two during the airbuster fight. Caught up in the reactor's collapse, Cloud falls to the undercity.
4-1Disable the Emergency LockThe lock is disabled and the door leading to the front gate is open.
Waste RecoveryThey disable delta-level security and recover the diverted items.

★This objective is labeled as a Discovery. It's unlocked after opening the Waste Management room by completing the Lock mini-game.

Chapter 8: Budding Bodyguard

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1Second Chance MeetingCloud becomes Aerith's bodyguard and fends off the Turk who attacks them. As he's about to finish him off, the ghostly beings from Sector 8 appear before them.
2Escape from the ChurchThe Turk withdraws from the church, and the strange beings disappear. Puzzled but determined to keep moving, Cloud and Aerith make their way outside through the attic.
2-1Rescue AerithCloud and Aerith find each other, and together, they head for the attic.
2-2To the AtticThey reach the attic and head toward the exit to escape the Turk.
3Head for the StationCloud and Aerith arrive at the Sector 5 station. The trains aren't moving due to the destruction of the reactor.
4The StationCloud and Aerith spot another Turk. To avoid him, they take a detour and make for the Sector 5 slums.
5Through the BackstreetsThe two arrive in the Sector 5 slums to see residents gathered by the monitor located in the middle of the town.
5-1Avoid the TurkCloud and Aerith make their way through the scrapyard, dealing with any fiends that appear.
5-2Around the GateCloud opens the gate from the other side, allowing Aerith to follow him through the backstreets.
6Sector 5 Slums MonitorCloud watches the news segment and learns that the members of Avalanche are safe. Relieved, he and Aerith continue through the slums.
7To Aerith's HouseCloud takes Aerith home. Once there, Aerith insists on going with him to Sector 7.
8Leaf House DeliveryOates finds Aerith and asks for her help. Cloud and Aerith follow him to the secret hideout.
9Danger in the HideoutCloud defeats the monsters and rescues the children, who stare at him in awe. They all return to the secret hideout together.
10Escort the ChildrenA man in a black robe wanders into the hideout. As he grabs Cloud's arm, Cloud is plagued with visions and mutters that Sephiroth is alive–a statement that Aerith barely acknowledges.
11Requests for the MercenaryRude ambushes the two on the way to Aerith's house, but Cloud drives him away. Upon returning, Cloud speaks with Aerith's mother, Elmyra, who does not take too kindly to him. Cloud has been asked to leave town after nightfall without Aerith.
12The Price of StrengthAerith ambushes Cloud at the edge of town, intimating she wants to spend more time together. As she walks on ahead toward the Sector 7 slums, Cloud feels his heart skip a beat.

Chapter 9: The Town That Never Sleeps

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1Tour GuideAs they make their way through Sector 6, Aerith guides Cloud toward a shortcut to Sector 7.
2Take the ShortcutThe road isn't all quite there, but the two do their best to find a way..
2-1Beyond the LadderCloud maneuvers Aerith onto the ledge using the arm. There, she lowers a ladder for him, and they continue their way down the road.
2-2Working TogetherThey use another arm and work together to make their way down the road.
3Beyond the Dead EndCloud and Aerith finally reach the exit of the so-called shortcut. Their time together will soon be over.
3-1Working Together AgainCloud maneuvers the pair of arms and forges a path forward. The two find themselves more in sync the more time they spend together.
4Saying GoodbyeCloud parts with Aerith and is ready to head back to Sector 7 when Tifa rides by in a chocobo carriage. Worried, Aerith urges him to chase after her.
5Chasing TifaAccording to Chocobo Sam, Tifa's headed to an audition at Corneo's mansion. Cloud and Aerith make their way to Wall Market to find her.
6To Corneo's MansionA letter of recommendation from one of three trusted individuals is needed to get into Corneo's mansion. Cloud and Aerith have no choice but to find members of the Trio.
7The TrioGetting a letter doesn't prove to be easy, but Cloud and Aerith need one if they want to see Tifa again.
7-1SamSam has already chosen Tifa for the audition. Cloud and Aerith will have to ask another member of the Trio.
7-2Andrea RhodeaAndrea doesn't see anyone without an appointment. Cloud and Aerith will have to ask another member of the Trio.
7-3Madam MTo get her cooperation, Madam M needs to be shown some good faith.
8Madam M's DesireMadam M promises to grant Cloud and Aerith a letter if they win the colosseum tournament.
9Underground ColosseumCloud and Aerith win the Corneo Cup and are granted a letter from Madam M as promised.
10Parting WaysAs Cloud returns to the parlor to fetch Aerith, he's approached by a panic-stricken Johnny.
11Aerith's PlanCloud takes part in the Honeybee Inn show and receives a letter from Andrea, as the plan to save Tifa comes together.
12The AuditionCloud and Aerith gain access to Corneo's mansion and find Tifa. After a thorough audition, Corneo chooses Cloud to be his new bride.
13Showdown with CorneoCorneo informs them about Shinra's plan to blow up the pillar–an event that would be catastrophic for the residents of the Sector 7 undercity. The three threaten him for details, but he sends them falling through a trapdoor down into the sewers beneath the mansion.

Chapter 10: Rough Waters

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1Escape to the SurfaceIn a stroke of luck, Abzu's rampage has cleared the way forward. The group follows the aqueduct toward the Sector 7 slums.
2Follow the WaterwayThe group arrives at the trunk line that marks the boundary between Sectors 6 and 7. They look for a way to get across to the Sector 7 side.
2-1Find the Skeleton KeyThe group gets the power working and opens the sluice gate. Theey find the skeleton key that Avalanche had hidden in advance.
3Crossing the Trunk LineHelping each other out of trouble, the group manages to cross the trunk line and reach the door to the Sector 7 slums.
3-1Crossing the Sluice GateThe group uses the sluice gate as a bridge to cross the sewer line
4To the Sector 7 SlumsThe three find their way to a water storage tank underneath the Sector 7 slums. Nearby, they can see a ladder leading to the surface.
5To the SurfaceJust before the exit, the group is assailed by a group of sahagin. Working together, they fend off the beasts and hurry toward the surface.
5-1Operating the PumpTifa and Aerith work the pump and clear the wastewater pipe blockage.
On the Other SideThe team recovers the materia by taking a detour through the tunnels.

★This objective is labeled as a Discovery. It's unlocked after going an alternate path in Aqueduct 2 to get a Warding Materia.

Chapter 11: Haunted

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1A Train WreckGuided by someone or something, the group arrives at the maintenance facility. Though unnerved by the strange things they see, they head inside.
1-1Toward the LightTifa tells the others about the rumors she has heard regarding this place as they follow the dim light through the gloom.
1-2Someone's ThereThe party cannot shake the feeling that someone else is in the graveyard. Cautiously, they move forward.
2Pass Through the Maintenance FacilityAlthough the party was not able to tell what the ghosts wanted, they do make it out of the maintenance facility. Hopefully it will not take much longer to reunite with the others in Sector 7.
2-1All Aboard for the GraveyardThey make their way into the train car and head further inside to look for an exit.
2-2Shadow in the Control RoomThe three use the control room terminal to restore power to the crane.
2-3Crane GameThe party uses the crane to link the train cars.
2-4Head for the ExitThe party makes its way through the connected train cars and heads for the exit.
3Back Amongst FriendsThe three are finally back in the Sector 7 slums. Shinra choppers circle the support pillar, and the sound of gunfire rings out. There's not a moment to spare.
3-1Blocked RoadThe intercepted radio message is confirmation that Shinra's plan is real. But first, they must leave the graveyard.
3-2Clear the WayThe party moves the cars and secures a way out of the graveyard, hoping they are not too late.

Chapter 12: Fight for Survival

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1Head for the PillarThe three fight off the mysterious fiends and arrive at the pillar. Leaving the injured Wedge with Aerith and Tifa, Cloud hurries towarrd the support pillar alone.
2Link Up with AvalancheA seriously injured Biggs urges Cloud to help his friends. As he hurrries upward, he's spotted by a Turks' chopper.
3Evacuation OrdersThe fight is intensifying, and Tifa runs to assist Cloud. Down on the surface, Wedge secures an evacuation route forr the civilians and Aerith makes for Seventh Heaven to save Marlene.
4Saving MarleneAerith has found Marlene. But when the pair try to leave, a Shinra chopper lands in front of Seventh Heaven and blocks their escape. To save Marlene, Aerith decides to make a deal with Tseng.
4-1The RescueAerith delivers Betty to safety and takes off toward Seventh Heaven.
5To the TopCloud and Jessie climb the pillar, determined to save the slums below. But just as they are about to reach the top, howeverr, they lose Jessie right before their eyes. Biting back her grief, Tifa silently vows to stop Shinra's diabolical plot.
6ShowdownCloud and Avalanche have failed to stop the plate separation, and the Sector 7 section plummets to the ground. Furious that they were unable to stop Shinra, the group finds a cable in the nick of time that they use to escape back down to the surface.

Chapter 13: A Broken World

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1Through the RubbleCloud tells the stricken Barret that Marlene is safe. Revitalized by Aerith's gift of hope, they continue on.
2Words of HopeTo protect Marlene, Aerith agreed to go with the Shinra agents. At Elmyra's urging, the party decides to wait for her return. In the meantime, they head to the Sector 7 slums to check on their friends.
3Checking on FriendsThe group is back at the gate near the Sector 7 slums. Fearful of what they are about to find, they head into the sector via the underground passage.
3-1Onward to Sector 7Cloud and the others leave Sector 5 and arrive at the collapsed road. The gate to the Sector 7 slums is up ahead.
4Crawling to the SurfaceThey crawl through the underground passage and clamber up to the surface in the Sector 7 slums. Beyond the curling black smoke is empty sky, where the plate once was.
5Home Is Where the Heart IsLed by Wedge's cat, who they find amongst the ruins of Seventh Heaven, Cloud and his companions arrive at a strange underground facility. They spot Wedge on the ground and rush toward him, but the facility collapses around them and they fall deeper into the depths.
6In SolitudeNow that Barret has joined up with Tifa, they hurry back to where they last saw Wedge.
6-1Reunite with TifaThe bugaboo nest is successfully destroyed. Now Barret must join Tifa in slaying the remaining bugaboo.
7Finding WedgeThe party manages to defeat the mysterious monsters and rescue Wedge from the underground facility. Relieved, they hurry out of there.
7-1Beyond the FractureOn the other side of a facility wall, they find traces of human experimentation. However, they're forced out by mysterious spectres lurking in the darkness.
8ReturnThey manage to save Wedge, but were unable to do anything for Biggs and Jessie. Weighed down by the responsibility and guilt, Barret pushes on through the wreckage and rubble.

Chapter 14: In Search of Hope

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1ResolveThe group convinces Elmyra to let them go after Aerith, though breaking into the Shinra Building will be no easy task.
2Intel GatheringThe Avalanche team agrees to help Leslie in exchange for information about how to get topside. Still wary of Leslie, the party heads into the sewers.
3Through the Underground WaterwayThe team detours around the collapsed rubble and arrives at the trunk line. Corneo's hideout is near.
4The HideoutIn front of the hideout, an Abzu shoat steals what Leslie says is the key to the door. Cloud, Barret, and Tifa chase after tiny creature.
5Recovering the KeyThe party defeats the Abzu shoat and recovers the stolen item, which leads Leslie to tell them about his past and his true intentions. With renewed resolve, the three head back to Corneo's hideout.
6Fateful DecisionsCloud and the others have defeated Corneo's pet Abzu, but Corneo has slipped away during the commotion.
7For the ReunionLeslie gives them grappling guns, and they wish each other luck in reuniting with their respective loved ones. Leslie walks off, and the three prepare to climb the wall.
8Over the WallCloud and the others get over the wall and start climbing the Sector 7 plate. The Shinra Building is so far above that they still cannot see it.

Chapter 15: The Day Midgar Stood Still

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1A Broken CityPeople's cries echo throughout the ruined town. Ignoring the citizen's words of caution, they head toward the debris.
2The ClimbUsing the grappling gun, the three make their way up. However, the area is crawling with Shinra troopers looking for Avalanche.
3Hiding in Plain SightThey cut through the patrolling Shinra units and reach a towering building.
4The Path to Greater HeightsThe team continue their way up, but the Valkyrie appears and stands in their way.
4-1The Crumbling BuildingInfiltrate the building. Continue along the only path that leads topside.
5Flight of the ValkyrieThey escape the Valkyrie, but not Shinra is alerted to their presence.
5-1To the StairsCut through the gunfire and escape to the stairs.
6In Hot PursuitThey manage to escape the troopers and stop to take in the destruction of Sector 7 as the sun sets over the horizon.
7To the Top of the PlateAfter defeating the Valkyrie, the party arrives topside. The three steel themselves for infiltrating the Shinra Building and rescuing Aerith.

Chapter 16: The Belly of the Beast

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1InfiltrationThe team is able to sneak into the Shinra Building on a service truck, but is caught by the security guards stationed in the garage. They're forced to fight their way through.
2Bust Out of the GarageAfter dispensing with the security detail and leaving the parking garage behind, the three arrive at the building's empty entrance.
3Shinra Building IntelThey need a keycard to advance through the building. Tifa offers to break into the reception desk by jumping across the light fixtures.
4Acquiring the KeycardTifa acquires the keycard. To free Aerith on the 65th floor, they head first to the 59th floor.
5Reach for the Skyview HallWith the keycard updated, they now have access to the 63rd floor.
5-1Use the ElevatorThey arrive on the 59th floor, where they search for a way up to the 65th floor.
5-2Use the Emergency StairwellThey use the elevator to reach the 59th floor.
6Playing the TouristAfter watching an unsettling movie, they're stopped by a mysterious man who claims to be working with the mayor.
7A Helping HandThe mayor's collaborator has supplied them with another keycard. To find out where Aerith is being held, they head for the 64th floor to spy on the executives' board meeting.
8ReconnaissanceThey discover that Professor Hojo is holding Aerith captive. Follow Hojo and free Aerith.
9Operation: Save AerithThe three reunite with Aerith, but a vision calling from within the facility assails Cloud, who falls unconscious.

Chapter 17: Deliverance from Chaos

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1A Way OutJenova, a mysterious life-form, is kept deep within the Shinra Building. As the party approaches the creature, they are intercepted by Sephiroth, who sends Cloud hurtling to the lower levels.
2Find the OthersSomeone has stolen Jenova. They follow an ominous-looking trail to the elevator, which they use to get up to the roof.

At this point, the party will be split up into two groups.


2-1Find BarretCloud and Red XIII reunite with Barret, and the trio searches for Tifa and Aerith.
2-2Use the Central TerminalThe door to the 3rd ward is now unlocked, allowing Tifa and Aerith to explore the area.
2-32nd WardCloud and the others finish exploring the 2nd ward, but are unable to find a way back to the upper level.
2-44th WardThey defeat the swordipede, thus stopping Hojo's interference.
2-5Rescuing Red XIIICloud informs Aerith and Tifa that Red XIII is in trouble. The two rush to his aid.


2-1Research the 3rd WardAerith and Tifa finish exploring the 3rd ward, but are unable to find a way back to the upper level.
2-2Rescuing Red XIIITifa and Aerith fight their way through Hojo's experiments and reunite with Red XIII.
2-3To the Central TerminalThe 4th ward is now unlocked. Leave it to Cloud and Barret to explore the area.
2-4A Way UpHojo's "trial" now concluded, he reactivates the elevator. Tifa, Aerith, and Red XIII board the lift and make for the upper level.
2-5Source of the SoundAfter defeating Hojo's experiments, they're all back together and ready to head to the roof.

Back Together

3The Ominous TrailThey arrive at the president's office and watch as President Shinra is murdered. Sephiroth reclaims Jenova and disappears into the skies above the Shinra Building.
4The ShowdownCloud faces off against Rufus Shinra, who escapes by helicopter. Cloud is blown off the helipad, but is saved by Tifa.
5The Great EscapeBarret and the others escape the Arsenal and reach the building's entrance, only to be caught by Heidegger. However, just when it seems all is lost, the roar of an engine rips through the air.

Chapter 18: Destiny's Crossroads

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1Flying Through the NightThe party reaches the end of the highway and discovers Sephiroth waiting for them.
2The Turning PointIn the world beyond, Sephiroth shows Cloud a vision of the planet seven seconds before its demise. Having strayed from the course destiny set for them, they strike out on a path toward an unknown future.

Intergrade Story Walkthrough

Chapter 1: Wutai's Finest

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No. Title Description
1 First Challenge Follow the Moogle posters to find the Avalanche member in the Moogle hat.
2 Power...Down? Make your way through the Abandoned Warehouse.
3 Don't Fear, Yuffie's Here Rescue the robed man.
4 Esteemed Avalanche Colleagues Meet with the other Avalanche members and talk to each of them.
5 Scout out Sector 7 Meet with Old Snapper, check out the Shinra Combat Simulator, and explore the Sector 7 Slums.
8 The Handoff Follow Nayo and fight Corneo's Lackeys for your Interplate ID cards
9 Back to Base Head back to Avalanche's Base
10 Change of Plans Follow Nayo after she gets a message from Zhijie.
11 After Him Follow Zhijie and the Security Officers into the Shipping Facility.
12 Tracking Zhijie Pursue Zhijie and try to save him from the Security Officers.
13 Main Pillar Maintenance Use your shuriken to hit switches and wall running skills to proceed through the area.
14 Save Zhijie Rescue Zhijie and defeat the Gigantipede.
15 Shinra Building or Bust When you are fully ready, take the train and head to the Shinra Building.

Chapter 2: Covert Ops

Story Walkthrough and List of Chapters | FF7 Remake|Game8 (21)

No. Title Description
1 Scarlet's Trap Make your way through the Advanced Weaponry division of Shinra.
2 The Hunt Continues Continue searching for the Ultimate Materia in the Advanced Weaponry division of Shinra.
3 The Invitation Scarlet invites you to play with some of her machines.
4 A New Threat Nero has been awakened and is ready for a hunt.
5 Escape Escape from Shinra headquarters.
6 Dread Battle against Nero.

Related Links

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Beginner's Tips Characters Battle Reports
Manual Minigames Enemies
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Story Walkthrough and List of Chapters | FF7 Remake|Game8 (2025)
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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Author information

Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.